项目名称: 压电力显微成像中机电耦合机制研究
项目编号: No.11504082
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 薄惠丰
作者单位: 华北理工大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 压电力显微镜被广泛应用于铁电多铁材料的微观结构表征与性能研究,但其成像中的机电耦合机制尚不明晰。本项目选取具有不同力学特性的材料为研究对象,综合考虑材料力学性质、针尖几何尺寸、以及范德华力、粘滞力等普遍存在的针尖与样品之间的互作用力等因素,建立不同互作用力下的Euler-Bernoulli机电耦合振动模型,进行理论求解分析,同时与实验数据相结合揭示各作用因素对于压电力显微成像信息的影响规律与机电耦合机制。进一步研究接触共振模式下压电力显微成像的机电耦合规律,探索其内在机制。研究成果可为拓展压电力显微成像技术的功能材料应用领域提供理论指导与相关经验。
中文关键词: 压电力显微镜;机电耦合;压电材料
英文摘要: Piezoresponse force microscopy has been widely applied in the characterization of the microstructure and properties of ferrelectirc and multiferroic materials, but the mechanism of the electromechanical coupling in the imaging process is still not clear. In this research, materials with different mechanical properties is studied based on the Euler-Bernoulli tip cantilever vibration model with the consideriation of material mechanical properties, tip geometry and ubiquitous force such as Van der Waals force and viscous force. With the combination of theoretical and experimental methods, the influence of each contributing factor on the piezoresponse force microscopy imaging and the internal mechanism of the electromechanical coupling are revealed. Furthermore, the electromechanical coupling mechanism in piezoresponse force microscopy imaging is studied in contact resonance mode, and the internal mechanism is further explored. Our reasearch is helpful for providing theoretical guidance and relevant experience in the application area of piezoresponse force microscopy in functional materials.
英文关键词: piezoresponse force microscopy;electromechanical coupling;piezoelectric material