Loneliness has been associated with negative outcomes for physical and mental health. Understanding how people express and cope with various forms of loneliness is critical for early screening and targeted interventions to reduce loneliness, particularly among vulnerable groups such as young adults. To examine how different forms of loneliness and coping strategies manifest in loneliness self-disclosure, we built a dataset, FIG-Loneliness (FIne-Grained Loneliness) by using Reddit posts in two young adult-focused forums and two loneliness related forums consisting of a diverse age group. We provide annotations by trained human annotators for binary and fine-grained loneliness classifications of the posts. Trained on FIG-Loneliness, two BERT-based models were used to understand loneliness forms and authors' coping strategies in these forums. Our binary loneliness classification archived an accuracy above 97%, and fine-grained loneliness category classification reached an average accuracy of 77% across all labeled categories. With FIG-Loneliness and model predictions, we found that loneliness expressions in the young adult related forums are distinct from other forums. Those in young adult-focused forums are more likely to express concerns pertaining to peer relationship, and are potentially more sensitive to geographical isolation impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Also, we show that different forms of loneliness have differential use in coping strategies.
翻译:了解人们如何表达和应对各种形式的孤独,对于早期筛选和有针对性的干预减少孤独至关重要,特别是对于年轻人等弱势群体而言,这是减少孤独的关键。为了审查孤独和应对战略的不同形式如何表现在孤独自我披露中,我们通过在两个以成人为重点的青年论坛和两个由不同年龄组组成的与孤独有关的论坛使用Reddit 站点,建立了一个数据集,FIG-Loneity(Fine-Gone-Grane Solarity),在所有标签类别中采用了77%的精度和精细的孤独分类。我们发现,在与年轻人有关的论坛中,与孤独有关的语言与其他论坛不同。关于FIG-Loneity的培训,两个基于BERT的模型被用来在这些论坛中理解孤独形式和作者的应对战略。我们的二元孤独分类保存了一个超过97%的准确度,而微小的孤独分类则达到平均77%的准确度。我们从FIG-Loneniality和模型预测中发现,与年轻人有关的论坛中的孤独表达方式与其他论坛不同。在以成人为重点的论坛中更有可能表达与孤独感-19的担忧。我们对于同侪-19的僵化战略的敏感程度。