We introduce the novel approach towards fake text reviews detection in collaborative filtering recommender systems. The existing algorithms concentrate on detecting the fake reviews, generated by language models and ignore the texts, written by dishonest users, mostly for monetary gains. We propose the contrastive learning-based architecture, which utilizes the user demographic characteristics, along with the text reviews, as the additional evidence against fakes. This way, we are able to account for two different types of fake reviews spamming and make the recommendation system more robust to biased reviews.
翻译:我们引入了对假文本审查在协作过滤建议系统中的检测的新做法。 现有的算法侧重于检测语言模型生成的虚假审查,忽略不诚实用户撰写的文本,主要是为了获取金钱收益。 我们提出了对比鲜明的学习结构,它利用用户人口特征以及文本审查作为补充证据反对伪造。 这样,我们就能对两种不同类型的虚假审查进行解释,并使建议系统更加强大,更能适应偏颇的审查。