Redundancy-based automated program repair (APR), which generates patches by referencing existing source code, has gained much attention since they are effective in repairing real-world bugs with good interpretability. However, since existing approaches either demand the existence of multi-line similar code or randomly reference existing code, they can only repair a small number of bugs with many incorrect patches, hindering their wide application in practice. In this work, we aim to improve the effectiveness of redundancy-based APR by exploring more effective source code reuse methods for improving the number of correct patches and reducing incorrect patches. Specifically, we have proposed a new repair technique named Repatt, which incorporates a two-level pattern mining process for guiding effective patch generation (i.e., token and expression levels). We have conducted an extensive experiment on the widely-used Defects4J benchmark and compared Repatt with eight state-of-the-art APR approaches. The results show that our approach complements existing approaches by repairing {15} unique bugs compared with the latest deep learning-based methods and {19} unique bugs compared with traditional repair methods when providing the perfect fault localization. In addition, when the perfect fault localization is unknown in real practice, Repatt significantly outperforms the baseline approaches by achieving much higher patch precision, i.e., {83.8\%}. Moreover, we further proposed an effective patch ranking strategy for combining the strength of Repatt and the baseline methods. The result shows that it repairs 124 bugs when only considering the Top-1 patches and improves the best-performing repair method by repairing 39 more bugs. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for practical use.