We present DualCSG, a novel neural network composed of two dual and complementary branches for unsupervised learning of constructive solid geometry (CSG) representations of 3D CAD shapes. Our network is trained to reconstruct a given 3D CAD shape through a compact assembly of quadric surface primitives via fixed-order CSG operations along two branches. The key difference between our method and all previous neural CSG models is that DualCSG has a dedicated branch, the residual branch, to assemble the potentially complex, complement or residual shape that is to be subtracted from an overall cover shape. The cover shape is modeled by the other branch, the cover branch. Both branches construct a union of primitive intersections, where the only difference is that the residual branch also learns primitive inverses while operating in the complement space. With the shape complements, our network is provably general. We demonstrate both quantitatively and qualitatively that our network produces CSG reconstructions with superior quality, more natural trees, and better quality-compactness tradeoff than all existing alternatives, especially over complex and high-genus CAD shapes.
翻译:我们展示了一个新型神经网络,它由两个互为补充的双向神经网络组成,在不受监督的情况下学习3D CAD形状的建设性固体几何(CSG)代表。我们的网络经过训练,通过两个分支的固定顺序 CSG 操作,由四面表层原始人组成的紧凑组合来重建给定的 3D CAD 形状。我们的方法和所有先前的神经CSG 模型之间的关键区别是, DualCSG 拥有一个专门的分支,即残余分支,以从整体覆盖形状中减去潜在的复杂、补充或剩余形状。覆盖形状由另一个分支,即封面分支建模。两个分支构建了一个原始交叉点的结合,唯一的区别是残余分支在补充空间运行时也学习原始的反向。在形状上,我们的网络是相当普通的。我们从数量上和质量上都表明我们的网络以高质量、更天然的树木和更好的质量折叠合而比所有现有的替代品,特别是复杂和高基因的 CAD形状。