项目名称: 网络资源受限和大时延下的复杂网络控制系统研究
项目编号: No.61263001
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杜锋
作者单位: 海南大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 多回路与多输入多输出复杂网络控制系统(Networked control systems,NCS),由于受网络带宽资源有限的约束,网络不确定性等因素导致节点数据传输可能存在时延和数据丢包,时延将降低系统控制性能质量.目前国内外对时延研究主要针对单回路NCS,采用智能控制、测控技术、网络调度等方法,但缺乏从结构上实现对复杂NCS时延补偿与控制的系统性理论研究.本项目从理论上提出解决复杂NCS时延"测不准"难题的新方法与新思路,基于其结构"可实现化"的创新性研究方法,以真实网络数据传输过程代替其间网络时延补偿模型,从系统结构上满足时延补偿条件,免除对时延测量、估计或辨识,降低系统对节点时钟信号同步要求,其实施与网络协议和控制策略选择无关;同时提出以满足复杂NCS各控制回路输出稳态指标为目标的新型死区调度方法,实现控制与调度的协同优化设计,促进复杂NCS时延补偿与网络调度理论研究取得进展与突破.
中文关键词: 网络控制系统;时延补偿;网络化串级控制系统;多输入多输出网络控制系;死区调度
英文摘要: In networked control systems (NCS) with multi-loop and MIMO, during the data transmission processes, time delay and data packets loss can be caused by the limited bandwidth resources or uncertain factors of network. Presently, the research of time delay mainly focus on the NCS with single loop, intelligent control, measurement and control technology, and network scheduling. However, there is a big gap in the research which can realize systematic theory for time delay compensation and control of complex NCS from the structure. A new thought and a new method are put forward to solve the difficulty of the accurate measure of time delay problem. The new innovated method is on the basis of the real data transmission process instead of the network model of time delay compensation. It meets the need of time delay from system structure, avoids measure, estimate and identification of time delay, reduces the requirement of synchronization, and has no involvement with network protocol and control tactic. Meanwhile, considering the steady state target of output as a goal for each NCS, a new deadband scheduling method is proposed. It realizes co-design of optimization for control and scheduling, makes progress and has a breakthrough in theoretical research in time delay compensation and network scheduling for complex NCS.
英文关键词: Networked control systems(NCS);Time delay compensation;Networked cascade control systems(NCCS);MIMO-NCS;Deadband scheduling