The sharing economy is sprawling across almost every sector and activity around the world. About a decade ago, there were only a handful of platform driven companies operating on the market. Zipcar, BlaBlaCar and Couchsurfing among them. Then Airbnb and Uber revolutionized the transportation and hospitality industries with a presence in virtually every major city. Access over ownership is the paradigm shift from the traditional business model that grants individuals the use of products or services without the necessity of buying them. Digital platforms, data and algorithm-driven companies as well as decentralized blockchain technologies have tremendous potential. But they are also changing the rules of the game. One of such technologies challenging the legal system are AI systems that will also reshape the current legal framework concerning the liability of operators, users and manufacturers. Therefore, this introductory chapter deals with explaining and describing the legal issues of some of these disruptive technologies. The chapter argues for a more forward-thinking and flexible regulatory structure.
Airbnb 成立于 2008 年 8 月,总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山市。Airbnb 是一个值得信赖的社区型市场,在这里人们可以通过网站、手机或平板电脑发布、发掘和预订世界各地的独特房源。无论是想在公寓里住一个晚上,或在城堡里呆一个星期,又或在别墅住上一个月,都能以任何价位享受到 Airbnb 在全球 191 个国家的 34,000 多个城市为你带来的独一无二的住宿体验。