We present 4D-Net, a 3D object detection approach, which utilizes 3D Point Cloud and RGB sensing information, both in time. We are able to incorporate the 4D information by performing a novel dynamic connection learning across various feature representations and levels of abstraction, as well as by observing geometric constraints. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art and strong baselines on the Waymo Open Dataset. 4D-Net is better able to use motion cues and dense image information to detect distant objects more successfully.
翻译:我们展示了3D对象探测方法,即4D-Net,该方法利用3D点云和RGB遥感信息,既及时又及时。我们通过在不同特征表现和抽象层次上进行新的动态连接学习,以及通过观察几何限制,能够将4D信息纳入其中。我们的方法优于Waymo Open Dataset上最先进的强基线。 4D-Net更有能力使用运动提示和密集图像信息来更成功地探测远方物体。