Let $1<t<n$ be integers, where $t$ is a divisor of $n$. An R-$q^t$-partially scattered polynomial is a $\mathbb F_q$-linearized polynomial $f$ in $\mathbb F_{q^n}[X]$ that satisfies the condition that for all $x,y\in\mathbb F_{q^n}^*$ such that $x/y\in\mathbb F_{q^t}$, if $f(x)/x=f(y)/y$, then $x/y\in\mathbb F_q$; $f$ is called scattered if this implication holds for all $x,y\in\mathbb F_{q^n}^*$. Two polynomials in $\mathbb F_{q^n}[X]$ are said to be equivalent if their graphs are in the same orbit under the action of the group $\Gamma L(2,q^n)$. For $n>8$ only three families of scattered polynomials in $\mathbb F_{q^n}[X]$ are known: $(i)$~monomials of pseudoregulus type, $(ii)$~binomials of Lunardon-Polverino type, and $(iii)$~a family of quadrinomials defined in [9] and extended in [7,12]. In this paper we prove that the polynomial $\varphi_{m,q^J}=X^{q^{J(t-1)}}+X^{q^{J(2t-1)}}+m(X^{q^J}-X^{q^{J(t+1)}})\in\mathbb F_{q^{2t}}[X]$, $q$ odd, $t\ge3$ is R-$q^t$-partially scattered for every value of $m\in\mathbb F_{q^t}^*$ and $J$ coprime with $2t$. Moreover, for every $t>4$ and $q>5$ there exist values of $m$ for which $\varphi_{m,q}$ is scattered and new with respect to the polynomials mentioned in $(i)$, $(ii)$ and $(iii)$ above. The related linear sets are of $\Gamma L$-class at least two.