In the field of global optimization, many existing algorithms face challenges posed by non-convex target functions and high computational complexity or unavailability of gradient information. These limitations, exacerbated by sensitivity to initial conditions, often lead to suboptimal solutions or failed convergence. This is true even for Metaheuristic algorithms designed to amalgamate different optimization techniques to improve their efficiency and robustness. To address these challenges, we develop a sequence of multidimensional integration-based methods that we show to converge to the global optima under some mild regularity conditions. Our probabilistic approach does not require the use of gradients and is underpinned by a mathematically rigorous convergence framework anchored in the nuanced properties of nascent optima distribution. In order to alleviate the problem of multidimensional integration, we develop a latent slice sampler that enjoys a geometric rate of convergence in generating samples from the nascent optima distribution, which is used to approximate the global optima. The proposed Probabilistic Global Optimizer (ProGO) provides a scalable unified framework to approximate the global optima of any continuous function defined on a domain of arbitrary dimension. Empirical illustrations of ProGO across a variety of popular non-convex test functions (having finite global optima) reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms, by order of magnitude, many existing state-of-the-art methods, including gradient-based, zeroth-order gradient-free, and some Bayesian Optimization methods, in term regret value and speed of convergence. It is, however, to be noted that our approach may not be suitable for functions that are expensive to compute.