In this work, we propose efficient algorithms for joint independent subspace analysis (JISA), an extension of independent component analysis that deals with parallel mixtures, where not all the components are independent. We derive an algorithmic framework for JISA based on the majorization-minimization (MM) optimization technique (JISA-MM). We use a well-known inequality for super-Gaussian sources to derive a surrogate function of the negative log-likelihood of the observed data. The minimization of this surrogate function leads to a variant of the hybrid exact-approximate diagonalization problem, but where multiple demixing vectors are grouped together. In the spirit of auxiliary function based independent vector analysis (AuxIVA), we propose several updates that can be applied alternately to one, or jointly to two, groups of demixing vectors. Recently, blind extraction of one or more sources has gained interest as a reasonable way of exploiting larger microphone arrays to achieve better separation. In particular, several MM algorithms have been proposed for overdetermined IVA (OverIVA). By applying JISA-MM, we are not only able to rederive these in a general manner, but also find several new algorithms. We run extensive numerical experiments to evaluate their performance, and compare it to that of full separation with AuxIVA. We find that algorithms using pairwise updates of two sources, or of one source and the background have the fastest convergence, and are able to separate target sources quickly and precisely from the background. In addition, we characterize the performance of all algorithms under a large number of noise, reverberation, and background mismatch conditions.
翻译:在这项工作中,我们提出了联合独立子空间分析的高效算法(JISA),这是处理平行混合物的独立组成部分分析的延伸,其中并非所有组成部分都是独立的。我们根据主要-最小化(MM)优化技术(JISA-MM),为JISA制定了一个算法框架。我们使用超级圭亚那来源的众所周知的不平等,以得出观测数据的负日志相似性的替代功能。这种代谢功能的最小化导致混合的精确近似对角化问题,但多种混合矢量是组合在一起的。我们根据基于独立矢量分析(AuxIVA)的辅助功能的精神,我们提出了几个可以交替地适用于一个或两个混合矢量组(JISA-MMM)的算法框架。最近,对一个或更多来源的盲取,作为利用更大的麦克风阵列背景实现更好的分离的一个合理方法, 特别是,为了超定的 IVA(OVA), 并快速地将多个混合矢量矢量值矢量值组合,我们无法用一个整体的运算方式对一个或两个变数的运算。