Semiconductor microelectronics are emerging as a powerful tool for building smart, autonomous robots too small to see with the naked eye. Yet a number of existing microrobot platforms, despite significant advantages in speed, robustness, power consumption, or ease of fabrication, have no clear path towards electronics integration, limiting their intelligence and sophistication when compared to electronic cousins. Here, we show how to upgrade a self-propelled particle into an an electronically integrated microrobot, reaping the best of both in a single design. Inspired by electrokinetic micromotors, these robots generate electric fields in a surrounding fluid, and by extension propulsive electrokinetic flows. The underlying physics is captured by a model in which robot speed is proportional to applied current, making design and control straightforward. As proof, we build basic robots that use on-board circuits and a closed-loop optical control scheme to navigate waypoints and move in coordinated swarms at speeds of up to one body length per second. Broadly, the unification of micromotor propulsion with on-robot electronics clears the way for robust, fast, easy to manufacture, electronically programmable microrobots that operate reliably over months to years.