Muchnik's paradox says that enumerable betting strategies are not always reducible to enumerable strategies whose bets are restricted to either even rounds or odd rounds. In other words, there are outcome sequences x where an effectively enumerable strategy succeeds, but no such parity-restricted effectively enumerable strategy does. We characterize the effective Hausdorff dimension of such $x$, showing that it can be as low as 1/2 but not less. We also show that such reals that are random with respect to parity-restricted effectively enumerable strategies with packing dimension as low as $\log\sqrt3$. Finally we exhibit Muchnik's paradox in the case of computable integer-valued strategies.
翻译:Muchnik的悖论是,无数赌注策略并不总是可以被减到无数策略中,这些策略的赌注范围仅限于偶数或奇数回合。换句话说,有结果序列x, 有效的可数战略成功,但这种对等限制的策略没有成功。 我们把这样的Hausdorff 的实效描述为美元x(Hausdorf), 这表明它可能低到 1/ 5, 但不小于1/2。 我们还表明,在对等限制的有效可计数战略中,这种实际的、包装规模小于$\log\sqrt3的策略是随机的。 最后,我们展示了Muknik在可计算全价策略中的悖论。