The evolution of preferences that account for other agents' fitness, or other-regarding preferences, has been modeled with the "indirect approach" to evolutionary game theory. Under the indirect evolutionary approach, agents make decisions by optimizing a subjective utility function. Evolution may select for subjective preferences that differ from the fitness function, and in particular, subjective preferences for increasing or reducing other agents' fitness. However, indirect evolutionary models typically artificially restrict the space of strategies that agents might use (assuming that agents always play a Nash equilibrium under their subjective preferences), and dropping this restriction can undermine the finding that other-regarding preferences are selected for. Can the indirect evolutionary approach still be used to explain the apparent existence of other-regarding preferences, like altruism, in humans? We argue that it can, by accounting for the costs associated with the complexity of strategies, giving (to our knowledge) the first account of the relationship between strategy complexity and the evolution of preferences. Our model formalizes the intuition that agents face tradeoffs between the low cognitive cost of simple strategies within a single context, and the ability of more complex (subjective utility-maximizing) strategies to interpolate across contexts. For a single game, these penalties lead to selection for a simple fixed-action strategy, but across games, when there is a sufficiently large penalty on a strategy's number of context-specific parameters, a strategy of maximizing subjective (other-regarding) utility is stable again. Overall, our analysis provides a more nuanced picture of when other-regarding preferences will evolve.
翻译:考虑其他代理人是否健康的偏好, 或其他偏好, 其进化模式的演变模式是进化游戏理论的“间接方法”的“间接方法”的模型。 在间接进化方法下, 代理人通过优化主观效用功能来作出决定。 进化可能选择不同于健身功能的主观偏好, 特别是增加或减少其他代理人的偏好。 但是, 间接进化模型通常人为地限制代理人可能使用的战略空间( 假设代理人总是在其主观偏好下保持纳什平衡), 并放弃这一限制可能会破坏选择其他偏好的“ 间接方法” 。 在间接进化方法下, 代理人是否仍然通过优化来解释其他偏爱的偏好, 比如利他主义? 我们说, 进化可能选择主观偏好, 进化模式通常人为地限制代理人可能使用的战略空间( 假设代理人总是在主观偏好自己的偏好中保持纳什平衡) ; 间接进化方法是否选择其他偏向更复杂( 实用性- 进化) 战略的相对而言, 一种更复杂的( 精细化的策略在游戏的精细的精细的精细化策略上, 的策略的精细的进化, 使得这些游戏的策略的精细的精细化策略的策略在不同的进化, 的精细的策略的精细的精细化是贯穿于这些的精细的精细的精细的精细的精细的精细的精细的精细。