This paper focuses on designing motion plans for a heterogeneous team of robots that has to cooperate in fulfilling a global mission. The robots move in an environment containing some regions of interest, and the specification for the whole team can include avoidances, visits, or sequencing when entering these regions of interest. The specification is expressed in terms of a Petri net corresponding to an automaton, while each robot is also modeled by a state machine Petri net. With respect to existing solutions for related problems, the current work brings the following contributions. First, we propose a novel model, denoted {High-Level robot team Petri Net (HLPN) system, for incorporating the specification and the robot models into the Nets-within-Nets paradigm. A guard function, named Global Enabling Function (gef), is designed to synchronize the firing of transitions such that the robot motions do not violate the specification. Then, the solution is found by simulating the HPLN system in a specific software tool that accommodates Nets-within-Nets. An illustrative example based on a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) mission is described throughout the paper, complementing the proposed rationale of the framework.
翻译:本文研究异构机器人团队在一个包含区域的环境中协同完成全局任务的运动规划。整个团队的任务规范可能包括避免、访问或依次进入这些区域。规范以自动机对应的Petri网形式给出,而每个机器人也由一个状态机Petri网进行建模。与现有相关问题的解决方案相比,本文提出了以下创新。首先,我们提出了一个新的模型,称为高层机器人团队Petri网(HLPN)系统,将规范和机器人模型纳入Nets-within-Nets范例。设计了一个名为全局启用函数(Global Enabling Function (gef))的警戒函数,以同步变迁的触发,以保证机器人的运动不违反规范。然后,通过在特定的支持Nets-within-Nets的软件工具中仿真HPLN系统来寻找解决方案。本文贯穿地描述了一个基于线性时间逻辑(LTL)任务的示例,补充了所提出的框架的论理。