Humans learn quickly even in tasks that contain complex visual information. This is due in part to the efficient formation of compressed representations of visual information, allowing for better generalization and robustness. However, compressed representations alone are insufficient for explaining the high speed of human learning. Reinforcement learning (RL) models that seek to replicate this impressive efficiency may do so through the use of factored representations of tasks. These informationally simplistic representations of tasks are similarly motivated as the use of compressed representations of visual information. Recent studies have connected biological visual perception to disentangled and compressed representations. This raises the question of how humans learn to efficiently represent visual information in a manner useful for learning tasks. In this paper we present a model of human factored representation learning based on an altered form of a $\beta$-Variational Auto-encoder used in a visual learning task. Modelling results demonstrate a trade-off in the informational complexity of model latent dimension spaces, between the speed of learning and the accuracy of reconstructions.
翻译:人类在复杂的视觉信息任务中学习得很快,这部分是由于有效形成了视觉信息的压缩表达式,从而实现更好的泛化和鲁棒性。然而,仅仅压缩表示本身是无法解释人类学习的高速度的。寻求复制这种卓越效率的强化学习(RL)模型,可能通过使用分解任务的表示方法实现。这种信息简化任务的表示法类似于使用压缩视觉信息的方式。最近的研究将生物视觉感知与分离和压缩表示联系起来。这就提出了一个问题,即人类如何学习以有效地表示视觉信息,使其在学习任务中发挥作用。本文提出了一个人类分解表示学习模型,基于改进型的 $\beta$ 变分自编码器,在视觉学习任务中应用。建模结果展示了模型潜在维度空间的信息复杂度与学习速度和重构准确性之间的权衡。