深度学习领域取得了指数级的发展,像BERT、GPT-3、ResNet等ML模型的足迹也在不断扩大。虽然它们工作得很好,但在生产中训练和部署这些大型(且不断增长的)模型是昂贵的。你可能想在智能手机上部署你的面部滤镜模型,让你的用户在他们的自拍上添加一个小狗滤镜。但它可能太大或太慢,或者您可能想提高基于云的垃圾邮件检测模型的质量,但又不想花钱购买更大的云VM来承载更精确但更大的模型。如果您的模型没有足够的标记数据,或者不能手动调优您的模型,该怎么办? 所有这些都是令人生畏的!
如果您可以使您的模型更高效: 使用更少的资源(模型大小、延迟、训练时间、数据、人工参与),并提供更好的质量(准确性、精确度、召回等),会怎么样呢?这听起来太棒了! 但如何?
Part I: 高效深度学习导论 Introduction to Efficient Deep Learning 导论 Introduction Introduction to Deep Learning Efficient Deep Learning Mental Model of Efficient Deep Learning Summary
Part II: Effciency Techniques 压缩技术导论 Introduction to Compression Techniques An Overview of Compression Quantization Exercises: Compressing images from the Mars Rover Project: Quantizing a Deep Learning Model Summary 学习技术导论 Introduction to Learning Techniques
Project: Increasing the accuracy of an speech identification model with Distillation. Project: Increasing the accuracy of an image classification model with Data Augmentation.
Project: Increasing the accuracy of a text classification model with Data Augmentation. Learning Techniques and Efficiency Data Augmentation Distillation Summary
高效架构 Efficient Architectures Project: Project: Snapchat-Like Filters for Pets Project: News Classification Using RNN and Attention Models Project: Using pre-trained embeddings to improve accuracy of a NLP task. Embeddings for Smaller and Faster Models Learn Long-Term Dependencies Using Attention Efficient On-Device Convolutions Summary
高级压缩技术 Advanced Compression Techniques Exercise: Using clustering to compress a 1-D tensor. Exercise: Mars Rover beckons again! Can we do better with clustering? Exercise: Simulating clustering on a dummy dense fully-connected layer Project: Using Clustering to compress a deep learning model Exercise: Sparsity improves compression Project: Lightweight model for pet filters application Model Compression Using Sparsity Weight Sharing using Clustering Summary
高级学习技术 Advanced Learning Techniques Contrastive Learning Unsupervised Pre-Training Project: Learning to classify with 10% labels. Curriculum Learning 自动化 Automation Project: Layer-wise Sparsity to achieve a pareto optimal model. Project: Searching over model architectures for boosting model accuracy. Project: Multi-objective tuning to get a smaller and more accurate model. Hyper-Parameter Tuning AutoML Compression Search
Part 3 - Infrastructure
软件基础 Software Infrastructure PyTorch Ecosystem iOS Ecosystem Cloud Ecosystems 硬件基础 Hardware infrastructure GPUs Jetson TPU M1 / A4/5? Microcontrollers
Part 3 - Applied Deep Dives Deep-Dives: Tensorflow Platforms Project: Training BERT efficiently with TPUs. Project: Face recognition on the web with TensorFlow.JS. Project: Speech detection on a microcontroller with TFMicro. Project: Benchmarking a tiny on-device model with TFLite.
Mobile Microcontrollers Web Google Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) Summary Deep-Dives: Efficient Models Project: Efficient speech detection models. Project: Comparing efficient mobile models on Mobile. Project: Training efficient BERT models.
BERT MobileNet EfficientNet architectures Speech Detection