In the edge-cloud continuum, datacenters provide microservices (MSs) to mobile users, with each MS having specific latency constraints and computational requirements. Deploying such a variety of MSs matching their requirements with the available computing resources is challenging. In addition, time-critical MSs may have to be migrated as the users move, to keep meeting their latency constraints. Unlike previous work relying on a central orchestrator with an always-updated global view of the available resources and of the users' locations, this work envisions a distributed solution to the above issues. In particular, we propose a distributed asynchronous protocol for MS deployment in the cloud-edge continuum that (i) dramatically reduces the system overhead compared to a centralized approach, and (ii) increases the system stability by avoiding having a single point of failure as in the case of a central orchestrator. Our solution ensures cost-efficient feasible placement of MSs, while using negligible bandwidth.