【导读】日前,全球最大的非营利专业技术学会IEEE(国际电气与电子工程师协会)发布了2021年度新当选会士(Fellow)名单 (IEEE Society Report《IEEE Fellows Elevated as of January 2021》),一共新增282名Fellow。当选的中国大陆 Fellow来自清华大学、北京大学、中国科学技术大学等机构。在新的名单中,我们看到了一些非常熟悉的名字:清华大学唐杰,京东集团副总裁郑宇,中国科学技术大学李厚强,北京邮电大学马华东,合肥工业大学汪萌等。其他新当选 IEEE Fellow还有黄漪、石光明、陈景东、张宏科、李厚强、蔡剑飞、虞晶怡、钱春江、吕乐、Yuan Junsong, 李建东,李军,贾秀萍,黄德双、廖晓峰、吕宝粮、王剑辉、喻俊志、岳东、刘世霞、王昭诚、张晓平、吴文传、王忠东、朱继忠、文福拴,王聪等教授! 热烈祝贺!
IEEE Fellow即IEEE会士,为协会最高等级会员,是该组织授予的最高荣誉,在学术科技界被认定为权威的荣誉和重要的职业成就,每年由同行专家在做出突出贡献的会员中评选,当选人数不超过IEEE会员总人数的0.1%。
Yi Huang
for contributions to rectenna technology
Hanyang Wang
for contributions to mobile terminal antennas
Geyi Wen
for contributions to antenna quality factor
Zhinong Ying
for contributions to mobile terminal antenna technology
Wenke Lee
for contributions to machine-learning-based approaches to
intrusion and botnet detection
Ninghui Li
for contributions to data privacy and security
Shixia Liu
for contributions to visual text analysis and visual model analysis
Le Lu
for contributions to machine learning for cancer detection and
Jie Tang
for contributions to knowledge discovery from data and social
network mining
Xiaorui Wang
for contributions to power management of data center servers and
embedded systems
Jingyi Yu
for contributions to theoretical analysis, algorithms and systems
for computational photography and computer vision
Lintao Zhang
for contributions to computer-aided verification with efficient
Boolean satisfiability solvers
Yu Zheng
for contributions to spatio-temporal data mining and urban
Jianfei Cai
for contributions to multimedia transmission and content analysis
Houqiang Li
for contributions to video coding and multimedia content analysis
Meng Wang
for contributions to multimedia content analysis and retrieval
Guangming Shi
for contributions to image representation and image
Junsong Yuan
for contributions to human behavior understanding and video
Xiaofeng Liao
for contributions to neurodynamic systems and chaotic
Bao-liang Lu
for contributions to artificial neural networks and affective braincomputer
Min Chen
for contributions to data-driven communication, caching, and
Kaibin Huang
for contributions to wirelessly powered communications and
multi-antenna communications
Wonjun Lee
for contributions to multiple access and resource allocation in
wireless networks
Rongxing Lu
for contributions to security and privacy in vehicular
Huadong Ma
for contributions to multimedia sensor networks
Zhaocheng Wang
for contributions to pilot design and modulation of OFDM wireless
Cong Wang
for contributions to security of cloud storage and computation
Dong Xuan
for contributions to connected coverage in wireless networks
Hongke Zhang
for contributions to high-speed railway communications
Gan Zheng
for contributions to optimization and design of multiuser multiantenna
Chunjiang Qian
for contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear systems
Yifeng Wu
for contributions to Gallium Nitride microwave and power
conversion devices
Hanchuan Peng
for contributions to visualization and quantitative analysis of
large-scale biological data
Jianqing Wang
for contributions to electro-magnetic compatibility of biological
and wearable/implant devices
Daoqiang Lu
for development of materials and manufacturing processes for
mobile devices
Xiuping Jia
for contributions to feature mining and classification of
hyperspectral images
Jun Li
for contributions in hyperspectral image processing
Zhao-liang Li
for contributions to thermal infrared remote sensing
Lizhe Wang
for contributions to high performance computing in processing,
analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery
Xiaoxiang Zhu
for contributions to artificial intelligence and data science in Earth
observation and global urban mapping
Hua Geng
for contribution to control of renewable energy power converters
Jinhua She
for contributions to intelligent control of complex metallurgical
Dong Yue
for contributions to network-based control and its applications to
power systems
Dongning Guo
for contributions to multi-user detection and estimation theory
Mingzhong Wu
for contributions to spintronics and magnetization
Wenzhong Gao
for contributions to grid integration of wind power and electric
vehicle technology
Ning Lu
for contributions to load modeling and control methods for
providing demand side grid services
Zhongdong Wang
for contributions to insulating liquids and frequency response
analysis methods for power transformers
Jianhui Wang
for contributions to unit commitment and economic dispatch with
renewable generation
Fushuan Wen
for contributions to fault diagnosis in power grids
Wenchuan Wu
for contributions to energy management, operations, and control
Zheng Xu
for contributions to control and modeling of modular multilevel
converter based HVDC transmission systems
Jizhong Zhu
for application of optimization methods for real-time economic
power system operation
Yaow-ming Chen
for contributions to grid-connected power converters for
renewable energy applications
Zhengyu Lu
for contributions to DC-DC power conversion and control
Jin Wang
for development of high density power converters and their use in
electric cars
Chongjin Xie
for contributions to optical transmission and datacenter optical
Shuxiang Guo
for contributions to medical robots for minimally invasive surgery
and biomimetic underwater robots
Danwei Wang
for contributions to modelling, analysis, and control for
constrained robots
Junzhi Yu
for contributions to bio-inspired swimming robots
Honghai Liu
for contributions to theory and applications of human-machine
Yingxu Wang
for contributions to real-time autonomous systems
Jingdong Chen
for contributions to microphone array processing and speech
enhancement in noisy and reverberant environments
Yifan Gong
for leadership in creating cloud speech recognition services in
Xudong Jiang
for contributions to face and fingerprint image recognition
Chunming Li
for contributions to computer vision and medical image analysis
Yang Liu
for contributions to speech understanding and language learning
Ling Shao
for contributions to computer vision and representation learning
Yongyi Yang
for contributions to medical image recovery and analysis
Xiaoping Zhang
for contributions to signal processing in finance
Hong Wang
for development, integration, and commercialization of novel
dielectric ceramics and composites for passive integration
Shujun Zhang
for contributions to the development of advanced piezoelectrics
for transducers
Jiandong Li
for leadership in heterogeneous self-organizing wireless networks
Honggang Wang
for contributions to low power wireless for IoT and multimedia
Chau Yuen
for contributions to energy efficient wireless communications
Yung-hsiang Lu
for contributions to energy efficiency of computer systems
Gang Qu
for contributions to hardware intellectual property protection and