In the present study, we propose to implement a new framework for estimating generative models via an adversarial process to extend an existing GAN framework and develop a white-box controllable image cartoonization, which can generate high-quality cartooned images/videos from real-world photos and videos. The learning purposes of our system are based on three distinct representations: surface representation, structure representation, and texture representation. The surface representation refers to the smooth surface of the images. The structure representation relates to the sparse colour blocks and compresses generic content. The texture representation shows the texture, curves, and features in cartoon images. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework decomposes the images into different representations and learns from them to generate cartoon images. This decomposition makes the framework more controllable and flexible which allows users to make changes based on the required output. This approach overcomes any previous system in terms of maintaining clarity, colours, textures, shapes of images yet showing the characteristics of cartoon images.
翻译:在本次研究中,我们提议实施一个新的框架,通过对抗性进程估计基因模型,以扩大现有的GAN框架,并开发一个白色框控控图像卡通化,这可以从真实世界的照片和视频中产生高质量的漫画图像/视频。我们的系统的学习目的基于三个不同的表达形式:表层代表、结构代表以及纹理代表。表面代表是指图像的光滑表面。结构代表与稀疏的彩色块和压缩压缩平面内容有关。纹理代表方式显示了漫画图像的纹理、曲线和特征。GAN 精准的Adversarial网络框架将图像分解成不同的表达形式,并从中学习以生成卡通图像。这种分解使框架更加可控性和灵活,使用户能够根据所需的输出进行修改。这一方法克服了以往在保持清晰度、颜色、纹理、图像形状方面的任何系统,但显示了卡通图像的特征。