In this paper, we propose an improved quantitative evaluation framework for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on generating domain-specific images, where we improve conventional evaluation methods on two levels: the feature representation and the evaluation metric. Unlike most existing evaluation frameworks which transfer the representation of ImageNet inception model to map images onto the feature space, our framework uses a specialized encoder to acquire fine-grained domain-specific representation. Moreover, for datasets with multiple classes, we propose Class-Aware Frechet Distance (CAFD), which employs a Gaussian mixture model on the feature space to better fit the multi-manifold feature distribution. Experiments and analysis on both the feature level and the image level were conducted to demonstrate improvements of our proposed framework over the recently proposed state-of-the-art FID method. To our best knowledge, we are the first to provide counter examples where FID gives inconsistent results with human judgments. It is shown in the experiments that our framework is able to overcome the shortness of FID and improves robustness. Code will be made available.
翻译:在本文中,我们建议改进关于生成特定域图象的General Adversarial Network(GANs)的定量评价框架,在其中我们改进了在两个层面的传统评价方法:特征说明和评价指标。与将图像网络初始模型的表示形式转换到地貌空间的大多数现有评价框架不同,我们的框架使用专门的编码器获得精细的域别代表。此外,对于多类数据集,我们建议使用“Aware Frechet距离”(CAFD),在地貌空间上采用高斯混合模型,以更好地适应多功能特征分布。对地貌水平和图像水平进行了实验和分析,以展示我们提出的框架相对于最近提出的最先进的FID方法的改进情况。我们最了解的是,我们首先提供FID得出与人类判断不一致结果的对应例子。实验表明,我们的框架能够克服FID的短处,并改进坚固性。将提供守则。