Fiber orientation is an important descriptor of the intrinsic microstructure of polymer composite materials and the ability to predict the orientation state accurately and efficiently is crucial in evaluating the bulk thermo-mechanical behavior and consequently performance of printed part. Recent macroscopic fiber orientation models have employed the moment-tensor form in representing the fiber orientation state thus requiring some form of closure approximation of a higher order orientation tensor. Currently, different models have been developed to account for the added effect of rotary diffusion due to fiber-fiber and fiber matrix interactions and accurately simulate the experimentally observed slow fiber kinematics in polymer composite processing. Traditionally explicit numerical IVP-ODE transient solvers like the 4th order Runge Kutta method have been used to determine the steady-state fiber orientation. Here we propose a computationally efficient and faster method based on Newton-Raphson iterative technique for determining the preferred orientation state by evaluating the exact derivatives of the moment-tensor evolution equation with respect to the independent components of the orientation tensor. We consider various existing macroscopic-fiber orientation models and different closure approximations to ensure to ensure the robustness and reliability of the method, and we evaluate its performance and stability in determining physical solutions in various complex flow fields. Validation of the obtained exact partial derivatives of the material derivative of the orientation tensor is carried out by benchmarking with results of finite difference techniques.