Despite the unprecedented improvement of face recognition, existing face recognition models still show considerably low performances in determining whether a pair of child and adult images belong to the same identity. Previous approaches mainly focused on increasing the similarity between child and adult images of a given identity to overcome the discrepancy of facial appearances due to aging. However, we observe that reducing the similarity between child images of different identities is crucial for learning distinct features among children and thus improving face recognition performance in child-adult pairs. Based on this intuition, we propose a novel loss function called the Inter-Prototype loss which minimizes the similarity between child images. Unlike the previous studies, the Inter-Prototype loss does not require additional child images or training additional learnable parameters. Our extensive experiments and in-depth analyses show that our approach outperforms existing baselines in face recognition with child-adult pairs. Our code and newly-constructed test sets of child-adult pairs are available at
翻译:尽管面部识别的改善前所未有,但现有的面部识别模型在确定一对儿童和成人图像是否属于同一身份方面表现仍然相当低。以前的做法主要侧重于增加特定身份的儿童和成人图像之间的相似性,以克服由于老龄化造成的面部外观差异。然而,我们认为,减少不同身份的儿童图像之间的相似性对于学习儿童中的不同特征,从而改善儿童成人对面的面部识别性表现至关重要。基于这一直觉,我们提议了一个新的损失函数,称为 " 跨原型损失,最大限度地减少儿童图像之间的相似性 " 。与以往的研究不同,跨原型损失不需要额外的儿童图像或培训更多的可学习参数。我们的广泛实验和深入分析表明,我们的方法在与儿童-成人对面的识别方面超过了现有基线。我们的代码和新构建的儿童成熟夫妇测试集可以在。