Traditional image detail enhancement is local filter-based or global filter-based. In both approaches, the original image is first divided into the base layer and the detail layer, and then the enhanced image is obtained by amplifying the detail layer. Our method is different, and its innovation lies in the special way to get the image detail layer. The detail layer in our method is obtained by updating the residual features, and the updating mechanism is usually based on searching and matching similar patches. However, due to the diversity of image texture features, perfect matching is often not possible. In this paper, the process of searching and matching is treated as a thermodynamic process, where the Metropolis theorem can minimize the internal energy and get the global optimal solution of this task, that is, to find a more suitable feature for a better detail enhancement performance. Extensive experiments have proven that our algorithm can achieve better results in quantitative metrics testing and visual effects evaluation. The source code can be obtained from the link.
翻译:传统图像详细度的提升基于本地过滤器或全球过滤器。 在这两种方法中,原始图像首先分为基层和详细层,然后通过放大细节层获得强化图像。 我们的方法不同,其创新在于获取图像详细度层的特殊方式。 我们方法中的详细度层是通过更新残余特征获得的,更新机制通常以搜索和匹配类似的补丁为基础。 然而,由于图像纹理特征的多样性,完美匹配往往是不可能的。 在本文中,搜索和匹配过程被视为热力学过程,大都会理论可以将内部能量降到最低,并获得这项任务的全球最佳解决方案,即找到更合适的特性,以更好地详细度增强性能。广泛的实验证明,我们的算法可以在定量度测试和视觉效果评价中取得更好的结果。源代码可以从链接中获得。