项目名称: 大脑后顶叶皮层内的空间编码和多感觉整合
项目编号: No.31471047
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 神经、认识与心理学
项目作者: 陈晓冬
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 我们自身的运动或者与环境的交互活动,都需要大脑实时地更新身体各部位和周围环境在空间中的状态信息,身体的各种感受器将这些信息传入大脑并整合起来,参与到运动的制定并控制身体各部位的运动。大脑中的后顶叶皮层(posterior parietal cortex,PPC)被认为在这个过程中发挥着非常关键的作用,PPC接收多个感觉系统的输入信号(视觉,前庭,听觉,躯体感觉等等),这些信号在PPC内不同的区域,被编码在不同的空间坐标系中。在这个项目中,我们将系统地研究PPC内各脑区的空间编码,然后进一步研究这些被编码在不同坐标系中的感觉信号是通过什么样的机制被整合起来的。这种整合机制也许可以被应用到智能机器人的制造上,从而对科技、经济和军事等方面产生深远的影响。
中文关键词: 坐标系;顶叶;曲线;视觉;前庭
英文摘要: In order to perform self-motion or interact with the environment, our brain needs to real-timely update the status information of our body parts and surroundings in space. The information was sensed by all kinds of receptors on our body, and then sent inside the brain and integrated over there. The integrated information was used by the cortex to make plans to control the movement of our body parts. The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) was considered to be involved in this procedure and plan the key role. PPC receives kinds of sensory inputs (visual, vestibular, auditory and somatosensory etc.), and in different areas in PPC, these input signals were encoded in different spatial reference frames. In the current research project, we plan to systematically study the spatial encoding of PPC areas. In the further study, we will design experiments to figure out the mechanism how the input signals encoded in different reference frames were integrated in PPC. So, this mechanism of integration may be applied to build up intelligent robots, which will have a profound impact on scientific technology, economy and military.
英文关键词: reference frame;VIP;tuning;visual;vestibular