The problem of classifying high-dimensional shapes in real-world data grows in complexity as the dimension of the space increases. For the case of identifying convex shapes of different geometries, a new classification framework has recently been proposed in which the intersections of a set of one-dimensional representations, called rays, with the boundaries of the shape are used to identify the specific geometry. This ray-based classification (RBC) has been empirically verified using a synthetic dataset of two- and three-dimensional shapes [1] and, more recently, has also been validated experimentally [2]. Here, we establish a bound on the number of rays necessary for shape classification, defined by key angular metrics, for arbitrary convex shapes. For two dimensions, we derive a lower bound on the number of rays in terms of the shape's length, diameter, and exterior angles. For convex polytopes in R^N, we generalize this result to a similar bound given as a function of the dihedral angle and the geometrical parameters of polygonal faces. This result enables a different approach for estimating high-dimensional shapes using substantially fewer data elements than volumetric or surface-based approaches.
翻译:随着空间维度的增加,对现实世界数据中高维形状的分类问题日趋复杂。关于空间维度的提高,最近提出了一个新的分类框架,其中使用一组单维表示式的交叉点,称为射线,并用形状的界限来确定具体的几何。这种基于光的分类(RBC)已经用一个由二维和三维形状组成的合成数据集进行了经验性核查[1],最近还进行了实验性验证 [2]。在这里,我们为由关键角测量仪为任意的矩形形状定义的形状分类所需的射线数量建立了界限。对于两个维度,我们从形状的长度、直径和外向角度对射线的数量得出一个较低的界限。对于R ⁇ N的锥形多端,我们将这一结果概括为一个类似的界限,作为三角角度的函数和多边形表面的几何度参数。这样的结果使得使用远维度的形状来估计高维度或远小于表面的形状的方法能够大大不同。