In this paper some new proposals for method comparison are presented. On the one hand, two new robust regressions, the M-Deming and the MM-Deming, have been developed by modifying Linnet's method of the weighted Deming regression. The M-Deming regression shows superior qualities to the Passing-Bablok regression; it does not suffer from bias when the data to be validated have a reduced precision, and therefore turns out to be much more reliable. On the other hand, a graphical method (box and ellipses) for validations has been developed which is also equipped with a unified statistical test. In this test the intercept and slope pairs obtained from a bootstrap process are combined into a multinomial distribution by robust determination of the covariance matrix. The Mahalanobis distance from the point representing the null hypothesis is evaluated using the $\chi^{2}$ distribution. It is emphasized that the interpretation of the graph is more important than the probability obtained from the test. The unified test has been evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations, comparing the theoretical $\alpha$ levels with the empirical rate of rejections (type-I errors). In addition, a power comparison of the various (new and old) methods was conducted using the same techniques. This unified method, regardless of the regression chosen, shows much higher power and allows a significant reduction in the sample size required for validations.
翻译:本文介绍了一些方法比较的新建议。 一方面, 通过修改 Linnet 的加权 Deming 回归法, 开发了两种新的强势回归( M- Deming 和 MM- Deming ) 。 M- Deming 回归法显示了通过Bablook 回归法的优异性; 当要验证的数据的精确度降低时, 并不产生偏差, 因此结果更加可靠 。 另一方面, 已经开发了两种用于验证的图形方法( 框和 椭圆), 并配有统一的统计测试设备 。 在此测试中, 从靴套中获取的截取和斜斜对的配对, 被合并成一个多位分布法 。 Mahalanobis 与空虚假设点的距离使用 $\ chi% 2} 分布法来评估。 人们强调, 图表的解释比从测试中获得的概率要重要得多 。 通过蒙特卡洛 模拟来评估统一测试, 将理论 $\ palphain le 和 实验性 比例 和 校验的校验的精度比率( ) ), 提供了许多 的校验方法 。