Portuguese man-of-war (PMW) is a gelatinous organism with long tentacles capable of causing severe burns, thus leading to negative impacts on human activities, such as tourism and fishing. There is a lack of information about the spatio-temporal dynamics of this species. Therefore, the use of alternative methods for collecting data can contribute to their monitoring. Given the widespread use of social networks and the eye-catching look of PMW, Instagram posts can be a promising data source for monitoring. The first task to follow this approach is to identify posts that refer to PMW. This paper reports on the use of convolutional neural networks for PMW images classification, in order to automate the recognition of Instagram posts. We created a suitable dataset, and trained three different neural networks: VGG-16, ResNet50, and InceptionV3, with and without a pre-trained step with the ImageNet dataset. We analyzed their results using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score metrics. The pre-trained ResNet50 network presented the best results, obtaining 94% of accuracy and 95% of precision, recall, and F1 score. These results show that convolutional neural networks can be very effective for recognizing PMW images from the Instagram social media.
翻译:葡萄牙战时人类(PMW)是一种具有长期触角的凝胶有机体,能够造成严重烧伤,从而对人类活动,例如旅游业和渔业造成负面影响。缺乏关于这一物种的时空动态的信息。因此,使用替代方法收集数据可以有助于监测它们。鉴于社会网络的广泛使用和PMW的目光捕捉,Instagram 站点可以成为监测的有希望的数据源。采用这一方法的第一个任务是确定与PMW有关的站点。本文报告使用革命神经网络进行PMW图像分类,以便自动识别Instagram 站点。我们创建了一个合适的数据集,并培训了三个不同的神经网络:VGG-16、ResNet50和InvicionV3,与图像网数据集一道,而且没有经过预先训练的一步。我们用精确度、精确度、回顾和F1分数来分析其结果。经过培训的ResNet50 网络展示了最佳结果,获得了94%的精确度和95 %的图像。我们回顾和F1 能够显示社会图像的精确度。