Large language and vision models have transformed how social movements scholars identify protest and extract key protest attributes from multi-modal data such as texts, images, and videos. This article documents how we fine-tuned two large pretrained transformer models, including longformer and swin-transformer v2, to infer potential protests in news articles using textual and imagery data. First, the longformer model was fine-tuned using the Dynamic of Collective Action (DoCA) Corpus. We matched the New York Times articles with the DoCA database to obtain a training dataset for downstream tasks. Second, the swin-transformer v2 models was trained on UCLA-protest imagery data. UCLA-protest project contains labeled imagery data with information such as protest, violence, and sign. Both fine-tuned models will be available via \url{}. We release this short technical report for social movement scholars who are interested in using LLVMs to infer protests in textual and imagery data.