Current UTXO-based smart contracts face an efficiency bottleneck, requiring any transaction sent to a contract to specify the entire updated contract state. This requirement becomes particularly burdensome when the contract state contains dynamic data structures, such as maps, which are needed in many use cases for tracking users interactions with the contract. The problem is twofold: on the one hand, a large state in transactions implies a large transaction fee; on the other hand, a large centralized state is detrimental to the parallelization of transactions, which should be one of the main selling points of UTXO-based blockchains compared to account-based ones. We propose a technique to efficiently execute smart contracts on an extended UTXO blockchain, which allows the contract state to be distributed across multiple UTXOs. In this way, transactions only need to specify the part of the state they need to access, reducing their size (and fees). We also show how to exploit our model to parallelize the validation of transactions on multi-core CPUs. We implement our technique and provide an empirical validation of its effectiveness.