The High Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory (HAWC) is an air shower array devised for TeV gamma-ray astronomy. HAWC is located at an altitude of 4100 m a.s.l. in Sierra Negra, Mexico. HAWC consists of 300 Water Cherenkov Detectors, each instrumented with 4 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). HAWC re-uses the Front-End Boards from the Milagro experiment to receive the PMT signals. These boards are used in combination with Time to Digital Converters (TDCs) to record the time and the amount of light in each PMT hit (light flash). A set of VME TDC modules (128 channels each) is operated in a continuous (dead time free) mode. The TDCs are read out via the VME bus by Single-Board Computers (SBCs), which in turn are connected to a gigabit Ethernet network. The complete system produces ~ 500 MB/s of raw data. A high-throughput data processing system has been designed and built to enable real-time data analysis. The system relies on off-the-shelf hardware components, an open-source software technology for data transfers (ZeroMQ) and a custom software framework for data analysis (AERIE). Multiple trigger and reconstruction algorithms can be combined and run on blocks of data in a parallel fashion, producing a set of output data streams which can be analyzed in real time with minimal latency (< 5 s). This paper provides an overview of the hardware set-up and an in-depth description of the software design, covering both the TDC data acquisition system and the real-time data processing system. The performance of these systems is also discussed.
翻译:高纬度水切伦科夫观测站(HAWC)是为TeV伽马射线天文学设计的空中阵列阵列。HAWC位于墨西哥塞拉内格拉,高度为4100米/秒/秒。HAWC由300水切伦科夫探测器组成,每个探测器有4个光倍增管(PMTs),HAWC重新使用米拉格罗实验的前端板接收PMT信号。这些板与数字转换器(TDCs)结合使用,以记录每次PMT点击(光闪烁)的时间和光量。一套VMETDC模块(每个128个频道)以连续(死时免费)的方式运行。TDC由单波氏计算机(SBCs)通过VME总机进行阅读,而后者又与一个千字节Ethernet网络连接。完整系统生成了~500MB/s 原始数据。一个高通量数据流数据处理系统已经设计和建立起来,使得实时数据分析能够进行实时数据分析。这个系统用来分析。在S-IEQ系统中进行数据转换数据转换一个数据库的系统,一个运行数据分析。