These lecture notes have been written for courses given at \'Ecole normale sup\'erieure de Lyon and summer school 2022 in post-quantum cryptography that took place in the university of Budapest. Our objective is to give a general introduction to the foundations of code-based cryptography which is currently known to be secure even against quantum adversaries. In particular we focus our attention to the decoding problem whose hardness is at the ground of the security of many cryptographic primitives, the most prominent being McEliece and Alekhnovich' encryption schemes.
翻译:这些讲义是为Lyon\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure的课程以及2022年在布达佩斯大学举行的后量子密码学暑期学校编写的。我们的目标是介绍代码密码学基础知识,这种方法目前已被证明即使在量子对手面前也是安全的。我们特别关注译码问题,它的困难程度是许多密码原语(最突出的是McEliece和Alekhnovich的加密方案)安全的基础。