We consider ternary disc packings of the plane, i.e. the packings using discs of three different radii. Packings in which each ''hole'' is bounded by three pairwise tangent discs are called triangulated. There are 164 pairs $(r,s)$, $1{>}r{>}s$, allowing triangulated packings by discs of radii 1, $r$ and $s$. In this paper, we enhance existing methods of dealing with maximal-density packings in order to find ternary triangulated packings which maximize the density among all the packings with the same disc radii. We showed for 16 pairs that the density is maximized by a triangulated ternary packing; for 15 other pairs, we proved the density to be maximized by a triangulated packing using only two sizes of discs; for 40 pairs, we found non-triangulated packings strictly denser than any triangulated one; finally, we classified the remaining cases where our methods are not applicable.
翻译:我们考虑的是平面的永久磁盘包装,即使用三种不同弧度的圆盘的包装。每个“孔”被三个对称相色盘捆绑在一起的包装称为三角隔热。有164对(r)美元、1美元/r ⁇ s$,允许用1美元、1美元和1美元的圆盘进行三角隔热包装。在本文中,我们改进了处理最大密度包装的现有方法,以便找到使同一圆盘的所有包装密度最大化的三角隔热包装。我们为16对板显示,三色圆形圆心包装使密度最大化;对另外15对,我们证明,只有两尺大小的圆盘的三角隔热包装可以使密度最大化;对40对,我们发现非三角隔热包装比任何三角包装都严格密度;最后,我们为其余案例分类了不适用我们的方法。