While there have been increased researches using deep learning techniques for the extraction of vascular structure from the 2D en face OCTA, for such approach, it is known that the data annotation process on the curvilinear structure like the retinal vasculature is very costly and time consuming, albeit few tried to address the annotation problem. In this work, we propose the application of the scribble-base weakly-supervised learning method to automate the pixel-level annotation. The proposed method, called OCTAve, combines the weakly-supervised learning using scribble-annotated ground truth augmented with an adversarial and a novel self-supervised deep supervision. Our novel mechanism is designed to utilize the discriminative outputs from the discrimination layer of a UNet-like architecture where the Kullback-Liebler Divergence between the aggregate discriminative outputs and the segmentation map predicate is minimized during the training. This combined method leads to the better localization of the vascular structure as shown in our experiments. We validate our proposed method on the large public datasets i.e., ROSE, OCTA-500. The segmentation performance is compared against both state-of-the-art fully-supervised and scribble-based weakly-supervised approaches. The implementation of our work used in the experiments is located at [LINK].
翻译:虽然利用深层学习技术对2D 脸部OCTA 进行血管结构抽取的深层学习技术增加了研究,但就这种方法而言,众所周知,卷轴结构的数据批注过程,如视网膜血管血管结构,成本非常高,耗时甚多,尽管很少尝试解决批注问题。在这项工作中,我们提议应用粗略的、基础薄弱、监督不力的学习方法,将像素级注解自动化。所谓的OCTAve(OCTAve),将弱于监督的学习结合在一起,使用刻字附加注释的地面真理,辅之以对抗性、新颖的自我监督的深刻监督。我们的新机制旨在利用类似UNet结构中的歧视层的歧视性产出,在这种结构中,在培训中,将综合的歧视性产出和分解图的定位定位定位值定位进行最小化。这种混合方法导致我们实验中显示的血管结构更加本地化。我们在大型的ORC-RO-RO-CRO-CRO-CR-S-SI 上对大型高级数据分析的运行状态进行校验。