Symmetry considerations are at the core of the major frameworks used to provide an effective mathematical representation of atomic configurations, that are then used in machine-learning models to predict the properties associated with each structure. In most cases, the models rely on a description of atom-centered environments, and are suitable to learn atomic properties, or global observables that can be decomposed into atomic contributions. Many quantities that are relevant for quantum mechanical calculations, however -- most notably the Hamiltonian matrix when written in an atomic-orbital basis -- are not associated with a single center, but with two (or more) atoms in the structure. We discuss a family of structural descriptors that generalize the very successful atom-centered density correlation features to the N-centers case, and show in particular how this construction can be applied to efficiently learn the matrix elements of the (effective) single-particle Hamiltonian written in an atom-centered orbital basis. These N-centers features are fully equivariant -- not only in terms of translations and rotations, but also in terms of permutations of the indices associated with the atoms -- and lay the foundations for symmetry-adapted machine-learning models of new classes of properties of molecules and materials.
翻译:对称考虑是主要框架的核心,主要框架用于为原子配置提供有效的数学代表,然后用于机器学习模型,以预测每个结构的属性。在多数情况下,模型依赖于原子中心环境的描述,适合学习原子特性,或可以分解成原子贡献的可观测到的原子特性。许多与量子机械计算有关的数量 -- -- 主要是以原子-轨道为基础写成的汉密尔顿矩阵 -- -- 并不与单一中心相关,而是与结构中的两个(或更多)原子相关。我们讨论结构描述器的组合,将非常成功的原子中心密度相关特征概括为N中心案例,并特别说明如何应用这一构造来有效学习原子-中心轨道基础写成的单粒汉密尔顿仪的矩阵要素。这些N中位特征完全不均匀 -- -- 不仅在翻译和旋转方面,而且在与原子-学习模型相关的指数的变异性方面 -- -- 以及为新模型的分子级和分子级的模型奠定基础。