Given a directed graph $G$ and a list $(s_1,t_1),\dots,(s_d,t_d)$ of terminal pairs, the Directed Steiner Network problem asks for a minimum-cost subgraph of $G$ that contains a directed $s_i\to t_i$ path for every $1\le i \le k$. The special case Directed Steiner Tree (when we ask for paths from a root $r$ to terminals $t_1,\dots,t_d$) is known to be fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the number of terminals, while the special case Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph (when we ask for a path from every $t_i$ to every other $t_j$) is known to be W[1]-hard. We systematically explore the complexity landscape of directed Steiner problems to fully understand which other special cases are FPT or W[1]-hard. Formally, if $\mathcal{H}$ is a class of directed graphs, then we look at the special case of Directed Steiner Network where the list $(s_1,t_1),\dots,(s_d,t_d)$ of requests form a directed graph that is a member of $\mathcal{H}$. Our main result is a complete characterization of the classes $\mathcal{H}$ resulting in fixed-parameter tractable special cases: we show that if every pattern in $\mathcal{H}$ has the combinatorial property of being "transitively equivalent to a bounded-length caterpillar with a bounded number of extra edges," then the problem is FPT, and it is W[1]-hard for every recursively enumerable $\mathcal{H}$ not having this property. This complete dichotomy unifies and generalizes the known results showing that Directed Steiner Tree is FPT [Dreyfus and Wagner, Networks 1971], $q$-Root Steiner Tree is FPT for constant $q$ [Such\'y, WG 2016], Strongly Connected Steiner Subgraph is W[1]-hard [Guo et al., SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2011], and Directed Steiner Network is solvable in polynomial-time for constant number of terminals [Feldman and Ruhl, SIAM J. Comput. 2006], and moreover reveals a large continent of tractable cases that were not known before.
翻译:根据一个直接的图形 [G$] 和一份列表 [t_ 1, t_ 1,\dt], [tdd], [trd Steiner 网络问题要求以每$$[G$] 的最低成本子图,每1美元i\le k$ t_美元路径。 直接的 Steiner Tree 特殊案例(当我们要求从根美元到终端$[t_ 1,\dts,t_dddd$] 路径, [s_d, [dt_dddd], [trddddr], [drdrddr>, [s_dd,drdr], [drdtrdx] 参数可按终端数量进行固定的标度的标度 参数 。然后我们查看Stein Steiner Subgraphal 模式(当我们从每美元到每个美元) 直径的直径网络的路径显示一个直径 。