We introduce a GP generalization of ResNets (including ResNets as a particular case). We show that ResNets (and their GP generalization) converge, in the infinite depth limit, to a generalization of image registration variational algorithms. Whereas computational anatomy aligns images via warping of the material space, this generalization aligns ideas (or abstract shapes as in Plato's theory of forms) via the warping of the RKHS of functions mapping the input space to the output space. While the Hamiltonian interpretation of ResNets is not new, it was based on an Ansatz. We do not rely on this Ansatz and present the first rigorous proof of convergence of ResNets with trained weights and biases towards a Hamiltonian dynamics driven flow. Our constructive proof reveals several remarkable properties of ResNets and their GP generalization. ResNets regressors are kernel regressors with data-dependent warping kernels. Minimizers of $L_2$ regularized ResNets satisfy a discrete least action principle implying the near preservation of the norm of weights and biases across layers. The trained weights of ResNets with $L^2$ regularization can be identified by solving an autonomous Hamiltonian system. The trained ResNet parameters are unique up to the initial momentum whose representation is generally sparse. The kernel regularization strategy provides a provably robust alternative to Dropout for ANNs. We introduce a functional generalization of GPs leading to error estimates for ResNets. We identify the (EPDiff) mean fields limit of trained ResNet parameters. We show that the composition of warping regression blocks with reduced equivariant multichannel kernels (introduced here) recovers and generalizes CNNs to arbitrary spaces and groups of transformations.
翻译:我们引入了对 ResNet 的 GP 概括化( 包括 ResNet 作为特定实例 ) 。 我们显示 ResNet (及其 GP 概括化) 在无限深度限制下, 将 RESNet (及其GP 概括化) 集中到图像登记变异算法的概括化。 虽然计算解剖通过扭曲材料空间对图像进行对齐, 但这种概括化通过对 RKHS 函数的扭曲( 或者像 Plato 的形态理论中的抽象形状 ) 将想法( 或者像 Plato 的形态理论中那样的抽象形状) 整合到输出空间。 虽然 ResNet 的 汉密尔顿解释并不新鲜, 但它以 Ansatz 为基础。 我们不依赖这个 Ansatz, 并首次严格证明 ResNet 的趋和偏向汉密尔密尔顿动态流流流流流流流流流流流的趋同性结构的趋同性特性。 REDROD 精度和经训练的正统化的正统性结构显示其精度的精度结构的精度变变。