One of the main limitations of the commonly used Absolute Trajectory Error (ATE) is that it is highly sensitive to outliers. As a result, in the presence of just a few outliers, it often fails to reflect the varying accuracy as the inlier trajectory error or the number of outliers varies. In this work, we propose an alternative error metric for evaluating the accuracy of the reconstructed camera trajectory. Our metric, named Discernible Trajectory Error (DTE), is computed in four steps: (1) Shift the ground-truth and estimated trajectories such that both of their geometric medians are located at the origin. (2) Rotate the estimated trajectory such that it minimizes the sum of geodesic distances between the corresponding camera orientations. (3) Scale the estimated trajectory such that the median distance of the cameras to their geometric median is the same as that of the ground truth. (4) Compute the distances between the corresponding cameras, and obtain the DTE by taking the average of the mean and root-mean-square (RMS) distance. This metric is an attractive alternative to the ATE, in that it is capable of discerning the varying trajectory accuracy as the inlier trajectory error or the number of outliers varies. Using the similar idea, we also propose a novel rotation error metric, named Discernible Rotation Error (DRE), which has similar advantages to the DTE. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective method for calibrating the camera-to-marker rotation, which is needed for the computation of our metrics. Our methods are verified through extensive simulations.
翻译:通常使用的绝对轨迹错误(ATE)的主要局限性之一是它对于离子体高度敏感。因此,由于只有几个离子,它往往不能反映不同准确性,因为离子轨道错误或离子数不同。在这项工作中,我们提出了用于评价重建相机轨迹准确性的替代误差指标。我们称为可辨别的轨迹错误(DTE)的衡量标准分为四个步骤:(1) 改变地面和估计轨迹,例如其几何中位值位于起始点。(2) 调整估计的轨迹,以便尽可能减少相应相机方向之间测深距离的总和。(3) 缩小估计的轨迹,使相机与其测距中位中位距离与地面真理相同。(4) 计算相应的照相机之间的距离,通过使用平均值和根平均值之间的距离获得DTE。该度是替代ATE的有吸引力的替代方法,在使用类似轨迹的轨迹方面,我们使用类似方向的精确度方法,在使用更精确的轨迹上,我们使用更精确的轨迹上的精确度。