During communication, the interpretation of utterances is sensitive to a listener's probabilistic prior beliefs, something which is captured by one currently influential model of pragmatics, the Rational Speech Act (RSA) framework. In this paper we focus on cases when this sensitivity to priors leads to counterintuitive predictions of the framework. Our domain of interest is exhaustivity effects, whereby a sentence such as "Mary came" is understood to mean that only Mary came. We show that in the baseline RSA model, under certain conditions, anti-exhaustive readings are predicted (e.g., "Mary came" would be used to convey that both Mary and Peter came). The specific question we ask is the following: should exhaustive interpretations be derived as purely pragmatic inferences (as in the classical Gricean view, endorsed in the baseline RSA model), or should they rather be generated by an encapsulated semantic mechanism (as argued in some of the recent formal literature)? To answer this question, we provide a detailed theoretical analysis of different RSA models and evaluate them against data obtained in a new study which tested the effects of prior beliefs on both production and comprehension, improving on previous empirical work. We found no anti-exhaustivity effects, but observed that message choice is sensitive to priors, as predicted by the RSA framework overall. The best models turn out to be those which include an encapsulated exhaustivity mechanism (as other studies concluded on the basis of very different data). We conclude that, on the one hand, in the division of labor between semantics and pragmatics, semantics plays a larger role than is often thought, but, on the other hand, the tradeoff between informativity and cost which characterizes all RSA models does play a central role for genuine pragmatic effects.
翻译:在沟通过程中,对言语的解释对听众先前的概率性信仰十分敏感,这是目前具有影响力的务实模式 — — 理性言论法(RSA)框架 — — 所捕捉到的。在本文中,我们侧重于对前言的敏感性导致对框架的反直觉预测。我们感兴趣的领域是排他性效应,比如“马利来”这样的句子被理解为只有Mary才到来。我们显示,在RSA基准模型中,在某些条件下,对反完全的读数进行了预测(比如,“马里来”将被用于传达玛丽和彼得都到的实用主义模式 ) 。 我们问的具体问题是:如果将详尽的解释作为纯粹务实的推论推导出(如经典的Gricean观点,在RSA模型模型中得到认可 ), 或者说, “马里来来”这样的语义性机制(如最近的一些正式文献中的说法 )? 为了回答这一问题,我们提供了对不同的RSA模型的详细理论分析,但根据新研究获得的数据来评价它们, 也就是测试了先前的精度的精细度,我们所观察到的直观的内行的内思维和直观的内行的内行, 。