项目名称: 集成纳米结构的光源与多敏感元一体化的红外气体传感器
项目编号: No.61335008
项目类型: 重点项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 熊继军
作者单位: 中北大学
项目金额: 260万元
中文摘要: 物联网技术的发展为集成化、低功耗、低成本的红外气体传感器带来了广泛的应用需求。本项目创新性地提出了集成纳米结构的光源与多敏感元一体化的新型红外气体传感器,该传感器利用集成纳米结构的MEMS光源实现电-光的高效率转换,利用同一芯片上集成纳米结构的MEMS热电堆探测器完成光-热-电的转换,最终实现对多种气体参数的综合测量。通过解决集成设计、制造等过程中的一系列基础问题,深入研究MEMS光源的电-光转换机理,探明纳米结构对电-光转换效率的影响;建立MEMS热电堆探测器的光-热-电转换模型,探明纳米结构对光-热-电转换的影响及其机理;构筑一种能实现光源和多敏感元之间的有效隔热、减少热串扰的结构,解决多参数集成时各元件间的干扰问题;形成一套集成化红外气体传感器系统的制造工艺标准。研制出集成纳米结构的多气体传感器系统原型,为物联网应用中多气体、低功耗的红外气体传感器发展、集成制造提供基本理论和方法。
中文关键词: 物联网;微机电系统;红外气体传感器;黑硅纳米结构;多参数集成
英文摘要: Developing technology of Internet of things is widely calling for highly.integration, multi-function, low power consumption of infrared gas sensors..The new infrared gas sensing system integrates nanostructure MEMS light.source to achieve a high electrical-optical efficiency conversion, and also.nanostructures MEMS thermopile detector on the same chip to complete.the light-heat-electrical conversion. In this process comprehensive.measurements of a variety of gas parameters are exporting at the same.time. The project means to study on the electricity-light transformation.theory and explore the effect and its mechanization of nanostructure to.the conversion efficiency of electricity-light ; it will set up a light-heat-.electricity conversion model of MEMS thermopile detector, and deeply.study the influence and its mechanism of nanometer structure to light-.heat-electricity conversion ; it will build a structure which can isolate.heat reference between each sensing units and reduce the thermal.crosstalk between the source and sensitive units; it will also establish.a new manufactory to process the integration structure of infrared gas.sensor. Through solution of these basic problem, developed integrated.nano structure of more gas sensor system prototype,The basic method.and reference is provided for more gas, low power consumption infrared.gas sensor development and integrated manufacturing in special environment.
英文关键词: Internet of Things;MEMS;Infrared gas sensor;Black silicon nanostructures;Multi-parameter integration