We propose and analyze a class of meshfree, super-algebraically convergent methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) on surfaces using Fourier extensions minimizing a measure of non-smoothness (such as a Sobolev norm). Current spectral methods for surface PDEs are primarily limited to a small class of surfaces, such as subdomains of spheres. Other high order methods for surface PDEs typically use radial basis functions (RBFs). Many of these methods are not well-understood analytically for surface PDEs and are highly ill-conditioned. Our methods work by extending a surface PDE into a box-shaped domain so that differential operators of the extended function agree with the surface differential operators, as in the Closest Point Method. The methods can be proven to converge super-algebraically for certain well-posed linear PDEs, and spectral convergence to machine error has been observed numerically for a variety of problems. Our approach works on arbitrary smooth surfaces (closed or non-closed) defined by point clouds with minimal conditions.