Limited by the complexity of basis function (B-spline) calculations, Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) suffer from restricted parallel computing capability on GPUs. This paper proposes a novel ReLU-KAN implementation that inherits the core idea of KAN. By adopting ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) and point-wise multiplication, we simplify the design of KAN's basis function and optimize the computation process for efficient CUDA computing. The proposed ReLU-KAN architecture can be readily implemented on existing deep learning frameworks (e.g., PyTorch) for both inference and training. Experimental results demonstrate that ReLU-KAN achieves a 20x speedup compared to traditional KAN with 4-layer networks. Furthermore, ReLU-KAN exhibits a more stable training process with superior fitting ability while preserving the "catastrophic forgetting avoidance" property of KAN. You can get the code in