Geophysical systems are inherently complex and span multiple spatial and temporal scales, making their dynamics challenging to understand and predict. This challenge is especially pronounced for extreme events, which are primarily governed by their instantaneous properties rather than their average characteristics. Advances in dynamical systems theory, including the development of local dynamical indices such as local dimension and inverse persistence, have provided powerful tools for studying these short-lasting phenomena. However, existing applications of such indices often rely on predefined fixed spatial domains and scales, with limited discussion on the influence of spatial scales on the results. In this work, we present a novel spatially multiscale methodology that applies a sliding window method to compute dynamical indices, enabling the exploration of scale-dependent properties. Applying this framework to high-impact European summertime heatwaves, we reconcile previously different perspectives, thereby underscoring the importance of spatial scales in such analyses. Furthermore, we emphasize that our novel methodology has broad applicability to other atmospheric phenomena, as well as to other geophysical and spatio-temporal systems.