Max-stable processes serve as the fundamental distributional family in extreme value theory. However, likelihood-based inference methods for max-stable processes still heavily rely on composite likelihoods, rendering them intractable in high dimensions due to their intractable densities. In this paper, we introduce a fast and efficient inference method for max-stable processes based on their angular densities for a class of max-stable processes whose angular densities do not put mass on the boundary space of the simplex. This class can also be used to construct r-Pareto processes. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method through two new max-stable processes: the truncated extremal-t process and the skewed Brown-Resnick process. The skewed Brown-Resnick process contains the popular Brown-Resnick model as a special case and possesses nonstationary extremal dependence structures. The proposed method is shown to be computationally efficient and can be applied to large datasets. We showcase the new max-stable processes on simulated and real data.