We show that a uniformly continuous random perturbation of a transitive map defines an aperiodic Harris chain which also satisfies Doeblin's condition. As a result, we get exponential decay of correlations for suitable random perturbations of such systems. We also prove that, for transitive maps, the limiting distribution for Extreme Value Laws (EVLs) and Hitting/Return Time Statistics (HTS/RTS) is standard exponential. Moreover, we show that the Rare Event Point Process (REPP) converges in distribution to a standard Poisson process.
翻译:我们显示,对中转地图的一致连续随机扰动定义了周期性哈里斯链条,它也满足了多布林的条件。结果,我们获得了适合此类系统随机扰动的对应关系指数衰减。我们还证明,对于中转地图而言,限制极端价值法和点击/回转时间统计(HTS/RTS)的分布是标准的指数。此外,我们显示,稀释事件点进程(REPP)在分布上接近标准 Poisson 进程。