When dealing with time series data, causal inference methods often employ structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) processes to model time-evolving random systems. In this work, we rephrase recursive SVAR processes with possible latent component processes as a linear Structural Causal Model (SCM) of stochastic processes on a simple causal graph, the \emph{process graph}, that models every process as a single node. Using this reformulation, we generalise Wright's well-known path-rule for linear Gaussian SCMs to the newly introduced process SCMs and we express the auto-covariance sequence of an SVAR process by means of a generalised trek-rule. Employing the Fourier-Transformation, we derive compact expressions for causal effects in the frequency domain that allow us to efficiently visualise the causal interactions in a multivariate SVAR process. Finally, we observe that the process graph can be used to formulate graphical criteria for identifying causal effects and to derive algebraic relations with which these frequency domain causal effects can be recovered from the observed spectral density.