Mediation analysis is appealing for its ability to improve understanding of the mechanistic drivers of causal effects, but real-world data complexities challenge its successful implementation, including: 1) the existence of post-exposure variables that also affect mediators and outcomes (thus, confounding the mediator-outcome relationship), that may also be 2) multivariate, and 3) the existence of multivariate mediators. Interventional direct and indirect effects (IDE/IIE) accommodate post-exposure variables that confound the mediator-outcome relationship, but currently, no estimator for IDE/IIE exists that allows for both multivariate mediators and multivariate post-exposure intermediate confounders. This, again, represents a significant limitation for real-world analyses. We address this gap by extending two recently developed nonparametric estimators -- one that estimates the IDE/IIE and another that estimates the IDE/IIE transported to a new, target population -- to allow for multivariate mediators and multivariate intermediate confounders simultaneously. We use simulation to examine finite sample performance, and apply these estimators to longitudinal data from the Moving to Opportunity trial. In the application, we walk through a strategy for separating indirect effects into mediator- or mediator-group-specific indirect effects, while appropriately accounting for other, possibly co-occurring intermediate variables.
翻译:调解分析要求它有能力更好地了解因果关系的机械驱动因素,但现实世界数据的复杂性对其成功实施提出了挑战,包括:(1) 接触后变量的存在也影响到调解人和结果(因此,混淆调解人-结果关系),可能也是多种变式的,以及(3) 多变量调解人的存在。干预直接和间接效应(IDE/IIE)包括了接触后变量,这些变量混淆了调解者-结果关系,但目前没有IDE/IIE的估算器,既允许多种变量调解人,又允许多变量接触后调解者。这再次对现实世界的分析构成重大限制。我们通过扩大最近开发的两种非参数估算器来弥补这一差距 -- -- 其中一种估算了IDE/IIE,另一种估算了IDE/II迁移到一个新的目标人群 -- -- 允许多种变量调解员和多变量中间构建器同时使用。我们使用模拟来检查有限的样本性能,并将这些估算器应用于长期和间接的不确定性,同时将我们进入一个跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨的、跨的、跨的、跨的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨的、跨的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨期的、跨