Ancestral graphs are a class of graphs that encode conditional independence relations arising in DAG models with latent and selection variables, corresponding to marginalization and conditioning. However, for any ancestral graph, there may be several other graphs to which it is Markov equivalent. We introduce a simple representation of a Markov equivalence class of ancestral graphs, thereby facilitating model search. \ More specifically, we define a join operation on ancestral graphs which will associate a unique graph with a Markov equivalence class. We also extend the separation criterion for ancestral graphs (which is an extension of d-separation) and provide a proof of the pairwise Markov property for joined ancestral graphs.
翻译:祖传图是一个图表类别,它将DAG模型中产生的有条件独立关系与潜在和选择变量相匹配,与边缘化和条件相对应。然而,对于任何祖先图,可能还有其他几张图是Markov等值的。我们采用一个简单的Markov等值类祖先图的表示,从而方便了模型搜索。\ 更具体地说,我们定义了祖先图的结合操作,它将一个独特的图表与Markov等值类联系起来。我们还扩展了祖先图的分离标准(这是d分离的延伸),并为合并的祖先图提供了配对的Markov属性的证明。