It is shown that a Hopfield recurrent neural network, informed by experimentally derived brain topology, recovers the scaling picture recently introduced by Deco et al., according to which the process of information transfer within the human brain shows spatially correlated patterns qualitatively similar to those displayed by turbulent flows. Although both models employ a coupling strength which decays exponentially with the euclidean distance between the nodes, their mathematical nature is widely different, Hopf oscillators versus Hopfield neural network. Hence, their convergence suggests a remarkable robustness of the aforementioned scaling picture. Furthermore, the present analysis shows that the Hopfield model brain remains functional by removing links above about five decay lengths, corresponding to about one sixth of the size of the global brain. This suggests that, in terms of connectivity decay length, the Hopfield brain functions in a sort of intermediate "turbulent liquid"-like state, whose essential connections are the intermediate ones between the connectivity decay length and the global brain size. This "turbulent-like liquid" appears to be more spiky than actual turbulent fluids, with a scaling exponent around $2/5$ instead of $2/3$.