Distributed algorithms for both discrete-time and continuous-time linearly solvable optimal control (LSOC) problems of networked multi-agent systems (MASs) are investigated in this paper. A distributed framework is proposed to partition the optimal control problem of a networked MAS into several local optimal control problems in factorial subsystems, such that each (central) agent behaves optimally to minimize the joint cost function of a subsystem that comprises a central agent and its neighboring agents, and the local control actions (policies) only rely on the knowledge of local observations. Under this framework, we not only preserve the correlations between neighboring agents, but moderate the communication and computational complexities by decentralizing the sampling and computational processes over the network. For discrete-time systems modeled by Markov decision processes, the joint Bellman equation of each subsystem is transformed into a system of linear equations and solved using parallel programming. For continuous-time systems modeled by It\^o diffusion processes, the joint optimality equation of each subsystem is converted into a linear partial differential equation, whose solution is approximated by a path integral formulation and a sample-efficient relative entropy policy search algorithm, respectively. The learned control policies are generalized to solve the unlearned tasks by resorting to the compositionality principle, and illustrative examples of cooperative UAV teams are provided to verify the effectiveness and advantages of these algorithms.
翻译:本文对网络化多试剂系统(MAS)的离散时间和连续时间线性可溶最佳控制(LSOC)问题分布式算法进行了调查。提出一个分布式框架,将网络化MAS的最佳控制问题分为保理子子系统的若干地方最佳控制问题,使每个(中央)代理方最妥善地尽量减少由中央代理商及其邻接代理商组成的子系统的联合成本功能,而地方控制行动(政策)只依靠对当地观测的了解。在这个框架内,我们不仅保持邻接代理商之间的相互关系,而且通过将取样和计算过程分散到网络上来调节通信和计算的复杂性。对于由Markov决定程序建模的离散时间系统,每个子系统的联合贝尔曼方程式转变为线性方程式系统,并使用平行的编程解决。对于由It ⁇ o扩散过程建模的连续时间系统,每个子系统的联合最佳性方程式被转换成线性部分差异方程式,其解决办法由合作性整体拟订路径加以比拟,而采用比较性原则的比较性方算法,这些比较性方程的精准性方程式是采用比较性方略性方略性方略性方程的方略性方程,这些方略性方略性方程的方略性方程的方程的方略性方略性方略性方略性方略性方略性方程的方略性方程。